Hey guys!
I got both the packages you sent on Thursday! It was the best thing ever. Mydearmissionary took one day! So things have been great in Mexico. Sometimes all of the time studying is tough but every now and again our district takes a break and talks about fun stuff. The other day a group of us got talking about Lake Powell and I told them all about the DWW and our illegal fireworks. The Spanish is coming along slowly but surely. Sometimes it is frustrating when we are teaching and we have so much we want to say but we just don't know how to say it. We have two investigators now. Mia and Ivan. Both are also are teachers too but they totally transform when we teach them. I am pretty sure they act as a past investigator they have had on their missions. This past week we also did some spanish coaching with the latinos here and we were all super nervous but it was really helpful and they were all so nice about our bad spanish. We practiced teaching them a quick lesson and then my companion and a latino practiced giving me a lesson. I could understand what she was saying even though I think she was talking a lot slower for me. I know that we are being blessed with the language because there is no other way we would be able to teach full 20 to 30 minute lessons in spanish without the Lords help.
This week it has been raining a ton! Apparently we are in the midst of a tropical storm/hurricane. It´s funny because one second it will be clear and sunny and the next it is POURING. It makes things exciting around here though. the downside is it brings tons of mosquitos. I feel like I am back in Alaska! The other day when we were walking to class to plan it started pouring harder than i have ever seen in our life. I tried to take a picture but you cant tell that well. It was like standing in a shower. guess I am just getting prepped for Concepcion! Oh and I dont know if I told you guys but all of my district is going to concepcion south except my comp and hermana fox and rust and two other elders. It´s kind of cool that way because I know I will know at least some people when I get to Chile and have people I know flying with me.
So this week for gym time we have played tennis and soccer. It is so much fun! We played soccer once with our district and another one. Hermana Fox played high school and college soccer so she is super good and shows us all up. I am not good at all but it is still fun. Earlier today for P day we tried to play around the world tennis with our district. It was hilarious and eventually just turned into some people playing soccer on the court and others playing tennis. Hermana Rust played tennis in high school too so we hit for a while and it was a blast. P days rock!
So at la tienda here they have these big packages for cookies, similar to chips ahoy, called Choki´s that everyone goes crazy for. Wake up, CHOKIS, study, CHOKIS, teach a lesson, CHOKIS, eat lunch, CHOKIS.
Everyone here has been getting sick and I am really hoping I avoid it! Hermana Rust has had a cold for a while and it would just be such a pain to get sick here becuase we have so much we need to do and learn!
So since she has been really sick, the Elders in our district gave her a blessing earlier this week and it was such a cool experience to see all those young boys holding the priesthood.
Every Tuesday we do a service project and this past one we filled cups with rice pudding (arroz con leche) from this huge pot for lunch. I worked with Elder Magnussen and Elder Baggs and I was trying to explain to Hermanas Rust and Fox what we did and I accidentally said, ¨me, elder baggs and elder magnussen were spooning in a big pot.¨ Hahaha we laughed about that one for a while.
Also the birds here are so weird. They are not afraid of humans at all. There are these two pigeons that hangout outside our casa all the time and we always almost step on them. I named them Desmond and Monty in honor of the Beatles and we all call them that now.
I am jealous of you guys watching general conference up at the cabin but I am also really excited for Gen Conf here. We listened to a talk by Elder Bednar yesterday about how to listen to conference and the three points we were told to focus on were 1. the doctrine 2. the invitation and 3, the promised blessings. I thought that was pretty cool because that way you are really listening to each talk and searching for things.
I loved reading all you guys emails (even though mom made you (JONNY)) and it sounds like things are great at home! I love you guys so much and think of you everyday! You are the best ever.
Con Amor,
Hermana Chalmers